The Yorkville Wrestling Club (wYc) is a not-for-profit competitive youth athletic wrestling organization. We have a long standing tradition of helping to build great character and skills in young people through the process of wrestling instruction, fitness, and strength building as well as confidence and leadership mentoring.
wYc acts as the "feeder" program for the Yorkville High School wrestling program, and we work in conjunction with them on wrestling philosophy, tournament organizing, summer camps, and wrestling mentorship. Some continue on for years leading right into high school. Others take different paths along the way. Whatever the case, no one ever forgets their wYc experience, and any personal development skills they grab along the way often benefit them in later years.
First Place @ Regionals 2015 ~ Intermediates
The Yorkville Wrestling Club typically has around 100 wrestlers, both male and female, wrestling for a season. Wrestlers are divided into four divisions based on their ages. There are Bantam division wrestlers (7 years old & under), Intermediate division wrestlers (8 & 9 years old), Novice division wrestlers (10 & 11 years old), and Senior divison wrestlers (12-14 years old). wYc wrestlers typically are in 1st through 8th grade, ranging between 5 and 13 years of age. Within each of these four age based wresting divisions, wrestlers are grouped into weight classes as defined by the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation (IKWF). So our athletes will generally wrestle kids their own age and weight level.
During the regular wrestling season, our athletes practice at the Yorkville Freshman Academy three times per week, from November to February. Those continuing on to state and national level competitions will practice into March. Tournaments generally take place on Sundays. The Club registers in anywhere between 10-15 tournaments during the season and participates in the IKWF State Tournament series in February and early March. These tournaments include special events for beginner wrestlers and elite wrestlers of all ages. It is not a requirement that a wrestler participate in all tournaments that wYc plans on attending. There are also additional wrestling opportunities available off season.
Quincy Kellett
Since its inception, the Yorkville Wrestling Club has aligned itself with the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation (IKWF). This is the second largest youth wrestling organization in the country. This affiliation allows for our athletes to compete with the best young wrestlers in the state of Illinois. At the conclusion of a very competitive season, the wrestlers enter into a state series which culminates with a two-day State Tournament. Individual state champions are crowned in the Novice and Senior divisions. IKWF is part of the USA Wrestling organization. Our wrestlers carry USA Wrestling cards and are registered to participate through IKWF.
Additional information can be found at